With a focus on strategic planning and school improvement, our Advisory Council is one of many ways for parents and caregivers to meaningfully contribute to the life of our College. 

The Advisory Council is the leading consultative and advisory group for the Principal, as an active forum for parent and community participation, providing support and advice principally in strategic planning and school improvement.  As outlined in the CES Limited Governance Charter Advisory Council members do not have decision making powers.  

The Advisory Council is intended to:

  • provide a voice for members of the school community 

  • actively support, in collaboration with the local parish, the Vision and Catholic Identity of the School/College 

  • provide input into and support for strategic planning and directions 

  • provide input and contribute advice in the processes of school improvement and school review

  • support the Principal in meeting his/her responsibilities and accountabilities for educational outcomes, effective stewardship of resources, and annual reporting

  • actively support the Principal in the encouragement of parent/guardian engagement

  • support the ongoing sustainability of the Council and its members in its succession and learning

To find out more about current vacancies on the Advisory Council please contact Courtney Butler, Principal Executive Assistant.

You are invited to review the  St Augustine’s College Advisory Council  - Terms of Reference  


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