Our College is inspired by the faith filled lives of three persons we regard as our College Patrons. Their lives provide us with an example of interpreting the message of Jesus. Like Jesus, Saint Augustine of Hippo, St Brigid of Kildare and Bishop Daniel Delany were counter-cultural, overcoming adversity to reach out to those on the margins and show others how to live, even when it was not popular to do so. 

St Augustine of Hippo, had little regard for Christian living until he had a profound encounter with God in his adult life. He went on to become a prolific writer and Father of the Church, inspiring generations to follow in his footsteps as Augustinian Fathers and Brothers. 

Saint Brigid of Kildare was a 5th century Irish woman whose faith was characterised by humility, compassion for others and connection to creation. She resourcefully wove a cross from rushes (the symbol would become synonymous with her later on) to teach a terminally ill child about our Trinitarian God. 

St Brigid’s legacy in Ireland was so impactful that centuries later, a young priest named Daniel Delany founded a religious order of teaching sisters in her name. It would be these courageous women of faith, Brigidine Sisters,  who would journey from Ireland to Australia to join with Augustinian Fathers to further the evangelising mission in Kyabram. This work continues today. 


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