Our College fosters leadership among our student cohort. Student Leaders are elected in Year 4, Year 8 and Year 12. Each community has ten student leaders. These leaders are supported by the Community and Wellbeing Leader for each community. Our student leaders play an important role in planning, organising and leading student activities, providing valuable input and support in decisions which impact students and in leading our college assemblies. They are also required to attend offsite events and represent our college community by providing input and support to these events. Student voice is also encouraged across all students by providing opportunities for growth as well as receiving feedback from all our students. The college teaching staff form individual goals based on surveys from their students using the external agency PIVOT. Our college also have opportunities for students to engage in the Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education (FIRE) Carrier program. The program is a way that our college can promote respect, fairness and inclusion for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The group meets regularly and organises activities for the whole school community. The college also fosters student involvement and voice through social justice groups and initiatives.