In their senior secondary years at St Augustine’s College, students can explore and pursue a variety of pathways; including VCE, VET, VCE-Vocational Major and the Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC). Building on the consolidation of the 5-8 years, students in the 9-12 Community are encouraged to look at their world through curious eyes and with inquisitive minds, using applied and theoretical learning in the development of their critical, analytical and creative thinking.
Opportunities to grow
As they progress through Years 9-12, in the classroom, students are given opportunities to grow through building their skills and understanding in all areas of the Victorian Curriculum:
Physical Education
Religious Education
Through the Core and Electives programs, Work Experience and Careers exploration, access to VET and VCE Fast Track subjects, VCE or VCE-VM, students are able to discover, and build upon, their talents, interests and passions as they develop a study program tailored to their needs. And, beyond the classroom, students can discover new talents, pursue their passions and challenge themselves to step beyond their comfort zones as they explore opportunities for leadership, community engagement, camps, performance, arts, technology and sports.
Striving for Success
At St Augustine’s College, we have high expectations for all learners. We are committed to a curriculum that enables students to be successful learners in a rapidly changing world. Students are encouraged to have a growth mindset and to strive for success; to achieve their best through taking responsibility for their own learning within a supportive and collaborative pastoral and academic environment. Whichever pathway that students follow, we are here to provide the expertise, support and guidance to help them in gaining the skills, knowledge and confidence to continue to strive for success as they step forward into the next stages of their lives.
Career Development
At St Augustine's College we view the careers and pathways counselling process as vital in supporting our young adults to transition into life beyond compulsory schooling with clarity, focus and purpose. We have a strong team of dedicated staff foucused on this process, in particular our Careers Practitioner, who coordinates transition and pathways.
St Augustine’s Careers Website is accessible via SIMON and PAM for students, parents and caregivers. This site provides information about Post-school education and training options, University, TAFE and Private Training Provider courses, occupations, job and career information.
Senior school students have the opportunity to attend Career Expos, Industry Career Days, 1:1 Pathways Planning and Subject Selection Meetings, VTAC application assistance, Tertiary Open Days, Tertiary Experience Days and Information Sessions.
Senior school students have the opportunity to participate in VETIS (Vocational Education & Training in Schools), Work Experience, Structured Workplace Learning, School-based Apprenticeships, Mock Interviews, Resume writing preparation.
Please click here for St Augustine's College Careers Information.