The experience of students, staff and families at St Augustine’s College is enriched by the presence of St Augustine’s Church which greets you as you arrive at our site. The Church is brought to life by the vibrant and diverse parishioners who steward the physical Church and welcome new people into the community.
At St Augustine’s College we value our strong partnership with the St Augustine’s Parish and Parish Priest, Fr Uday Marneni ALCP/OSS. Our students, staff and families have regular access to celebrations of the Eucharist. There are opportunities to be involved in music ministry, as altar servers and as lectors.
St Augustine’s Parish co-ordinates an annual Sacramental Program for children wishing to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation. Other sacraments including Baptism are available on request.
If you would like further information about the Sacramental Program or Parish Mass Times please visit: